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The first document of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs was released! It is suggested to strengthen the prevention and control of agricultural non-point source pollution and vigorously dev



The implementation opinions of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on implementing the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on learning and using the experience of the "Thousand Villages Demonstration and ten thousand villages renovation" project to effectively promote the deployment of comprehensive rural revitalization work

(10 January 2024)

Departments of Agriculture and Rural (Agriculture and animal Husbandry), Animal husbandry and Veterinary medicine, land reclamation and fisheries (bureaus and commissions), Rural Revitalization Bureau, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Agriculture and Rural Revitalization Bureau, departments and agencies of the Ministry, and units directly under the central government:

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Learning and Using the experience of the" Thousand Villages Demonstration and Ten thousand Villages Renovation "Project to Effectively Promote the Comprehensive Revitalization of Rural areas" and do a solid job in 2024, the following opinions are put forward.

Promoting the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas is the general starting point of the "three rural" work in the new era and the new journey. At present and in the future, it is necessary to learn and apply the development concept, working method and promotion mechanism contained in the "thousand village demonstration and ten thousand village renovation" (hereinafter referred to as the "ten million project"), make every effort to do a good job in agricultural production focusing on food security, coordinate the promotion of rural revitalization focusing on rural development, construction and governance, and continue to consolidate the agricultural foundation. We will steadily promote the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations, accelerate the building of a strong agricultural country, accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, and provide strong support for better promoting the Chinese-style modernization drive.

The year 2024 is a key year for the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan. Anchor the goal of building a strong agricultural country, guided by the experience of learning and using the "ten million project", ensure that national food security and the bottom line of no large-scale return to poverty occur, improve the level of rural industrial development, rural construction and rural governance, strengthen the dual-wheel drive of science and technology and reform, strengthen the measures to increase farmers' income, and focus on consolidating the foundation, stabilizing production capacity, preventing risks, and increasing vitality. Resolutely adhere to the bottom line of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", solidly advance the key tasks of rural development, rural construction, and rural governance, and strive to continue to make new progress and upgrade the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers".

First, we will intensify the production of grain and important agricultural products to ensure national food security

1. Make every effort to harvest grain. We will make solid progress in a new round of efforts to increase grain production capacity by 50 million metric tons, focus on increasing grain production by a large area, and ensure that grain output remains above 1.3 trillion metric tons. Compaction responsibility stability area. Strictly carry out provincial-level party committees and governments to implement farmland protection and food security responsibility system assessment. We will assign targets and tasks for grain, soybean and oilseed production to all provinces, and strive to keep grain, corn and soybean production stable, so as to ensure that the grain sown area is kept at or above 1.77 billion mu. Coordinate the production of factors. We will carry out a nationwide campaign to increase the yield per unit area of grain, oil and other major crops in large areas, formulate and implement work plans for integrated and supporting promotion by variety, and promote the integration of good farmland, good varieties, good methods and good systems. We carried out a green, high-yield and high-efficiency campaign, expanded the project to increase yield per unit area of corn, and launched a campaign to increase yield per unit area of wheat. We will carry out actions to increase the per unit yield of major grain and oil growers, and improve the availability and coverage of key technologies. We will strengthen support for ensuring stable returns. We will push for an appropriate increase in the minimum purchase price for wheat and set a reasonable minimum purchase price for rice. We will continue to provide subsidies for arable land protection and rice subsidies. We will increase support for major grain-producing counties, explore ways to establish a cross-provincial benefit compensation mechanism for grain-producing and marketing areas, and deepen multi-channel production and marketing coordination. We will improve the response mechanism for ensuring supply and stabilizing prices of agricultural supplies, and encourage local governments to explore ways to establish dynamic subsidies that are linked to the rise in prices of agricultural supplies.

(2) Consolidating the results of soybean oil seed expansion. We will further promote the national soybean and oil production capacity improvement project to ensure that the soybean area is stable at more than 150 million mu and the oil area is stable and increasing. Multiple measures and stabilization of soybean. We will implement policies to subsidize corn and soybean producers and rotate grain and soybean crops. Guide reasonable crop rotation to reduce recropping in Northeast China, and support the promotion of seed coating and inoculation of soybean rhizobium. We will make good use of subsidies for belt and composite planting to ensure that the promotion area in suitable areas such as the Huang-Huai-hai, Southwest and middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River remains stable at 20 million mu. The project to increase yield per unit area of soybeans was launched. We will support Northeast China in developing the whole industrial chain processing of soybeans and other agricultural products. Multi-oil expansion oil simultaneously. Support the use of idle winter fields to increase the area of rape, and reasonable rotation of crops to develop spring rape. Implement a three-year action to increase rapeseed yield per unit area, and apply key technologies to increase yield per unit area in the integrated construction system of main rapeseed producing counties. In Huang-Huai-hai and northern areas, peanut crops were rotated and expanded, and the production of oil sunflower, sesame and other special oil materials was developed according to local conditions. Actively promote grain saving and loss reduction, carry out science popularization publicity of "reducing oil and increasing beans", guide the gradual reduction of excessive consumption of edible vegetable oil, and increase the consumption of soybeans and their products.

3. Promoting stable development of animal husbandry Optimize and adjust pig production capacity. Improve the implementation plan for pig production capacity regulation, and moderately relax the lower limit of the green range of regulation. We will urge local governments to stabilize basic support policies for land use, environmental protection, and loans. We will promote the transformation and upgrading of herbivorous animal husbandry. We will carry out incremental actions to improve the quality of beef cattle and sheep, and stabilize the basic production capacity of beef and mutton. Implement the whole county promotion project to improve the production capacity of the dairy industry, promote the improvement of liquid milk standards, and standardize the recovery milk label. Steady progress will be made in changing grain to feed, and feed bases with high and stable yields will be built. We will further implement the action of reducing the amount of soybean meal used for feeding.

4. Promoting the development of modern fisheries Develop healthy aquaculture. Formulate the national aquaculture waters beach planning, and stabilize the aquaculture water surface space. We will promote green and healthy aquaculture technology, and set up state-level demonstration zones for healthy aquaculture and ecological aquaculture. We will actively develop shellfish cultivation. Expand the space for the development of fisheries. We will actively develop ecological fisheries on large water surfaces, steadily promote integrated rice-fishery farming, and develop saline-alkali land aquaculture. We will accelerate the development of far-reaching Marine aquaculture, create national-level Marine pasture demonstration zones, and improve and strengthen the industrial chain and supply chain of ocean-going fisheries. We will promote reform of the management system for fishing vessels and fishing ports, and develop economic zones for coastal fishing ports. We will improve the system of closed fishing periods, consolidate and expand the scope of special fishing permits in different sea areas, and regulate the proliferation and release of fish. Strengthen the investigation and rectification of fishery safety hazards and risk warnings.

(5) Coordinate the production of cotton candy gum. Tune the cotton. We will implement the policy of linking target price subsidies for cotton to its quality. Stabilize cotton areas in the Yellow River and Yangtze River basins. Raise the sugar. We will increase subsidies for sugarcane seedlings and machine harvest, speed up the application of virus-free healthy seedlings, mechanized harvesting, and build sugarcane bases for high yield and high sugar. Consolidate the rubber. Implement actions to improve the safe and stable supply of natural rubber resources, explore and promote the application of intelligent rubber cutting machinery, accelerate the renewal and transformation of old natural rubber gardens, and build special rubber gardens.

6. Improving facility agriculture. Formulate guidelines for the work of the national "vegetable basket", revise the implementation rules for the assessment method of the "Vegetable basket" mayor responsibility system, and consolidate the guarantee responsibility of "vegetable basket" products. We will carry out actions to upgrade the modernization of facility agriculture, and select a number of national innovation leading areas and bases for modern facility agriculture. We will promote the upgrading of planting facilities. We will focus on upgrading old facilities in consecutive areas, and build a number of standardized planting parks around large and medium-sized cities. Under the premise of ecological protection and deep water conservation, support the development of modern facilities vegetable industry in the northwest cold and dry areas and the Gobi region. Raise the level of facility breeding. Carry out in-depth standardization demonstration of livestock and poultry breeding, and develop three-dimensional farming such as building pig breeding and laminated efficient poultry breeding according to local conditions. We will promote the standardized transformation of centralized continuous aquaculture ponds and actively develop industrial recirculating aquaculture. We will accelerate the development of smart agriculture. Build a number of smart agriculture leading areas, and promote the digital upgrading of large-scale farms (ranches, fisheries). We will further implement smart agriculture projects and build a national smart agriculture innovation center. We will improve the standard system for smart agriculture, and promote the establishment of inspection and testing, application effect evaluation, and statistical monitoring systems. We will build a big data platform for agriculture and rural areas. Establish a view of big agriculture and big food, expand food sources through multiple channels, explore the monitoring and statistics of big food, and promote typical cases of big food development.

7. Strengthen agricultural disaster prevention, mitigation and relief. Scientific prevention of meteorological disasters. We will strengthen consultation, research and judgment on severe weather, timely release early warning information, formulate technical opinions and work plans for disaster prevention and reduction, make good material reserves and technical preparations, and implement key measures to prevent and reduce disasters and reduce production and increase production. We will strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and epidemics. We will carry out projects to improve our ability to protect animals and plants, improve the system for the prevention and control of crop diseases and pests, and make coordinated efforts to promote joint prevention and control, unified prevention and control, and emergency prevention and control. We will continue to prevent and control major animal diseases such as African swine fever and highly pathogenic avian influenza on a regular basis, and promote the prevention and control of major zoonotic diseases at their source. We will strengthen prevention and control of aquatic animal diseases. Efforts will be made to reduce the use of veterinary antimicrobials. We will strengthen the prevention and control of invasive alien species. Improve long-term mechanisms. We will promote the establishment of a system for reserving and using agricultural machinery for disaster prevention and relief, strengthen the construction of community-level agricultural disaster prevention and relief teams, and study the establishment of regional agricultural emergency relief centers

Second, continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, and ensure that there is no large-scale return to poverty

8. Strengthen monitoring and assistance to prevent relapse into poverty. Optimize dynamic monitoring. Adjust the monitoring scope of the prevention of poverty, carry out centralized investigation in a timely manner, and consolidate the responsibility of the work of preventing poverty, to ensure that all should be taken care of and should be helped. We will promote the sharing of information on the monitoring of poverty return and the dynamic monitoring of low-income populations, strengthen screening and early warning, and improve the effectiveness of monitoring. Implement assistance measures. Promote departments to fulfill their responsibilities, and continue to consolidate and improve the achievements of the "three guarantees" and drinking water safety protection. Fully implement development-type assistance measures for monitoring households with the ability to work, ensure the bottom line for monitoring households without the ability to work, and implement assistance measures first for farmers who are at risk of returning to poverty due to disasters in line with policy provisions. We will study and integrate policies to help prevent people from returning to poverty with policies to help rural low-income people on a regular basis.

(9) Guiding and assisting industrial development by classification. We will formulate guidelines to promote the high-quality development of the assistance industry in poverty-stricken areas, and implement actions to upgrade the assistance industry in poverty-stricken areas, so as to enhance the endogenous development momentum of poverty-stricken areas and people. Consolidate a batch. Support support industries with broad market prospects and complete chains, develop new technologies and new products, promote the precise connection of production and sales, create regional public brands, and promote integrated development. Upgrade a batch. We will support the development of support industries that are supported by resources and have a solid foundation, accelerate efforts to make up for weaknesses in agricultural infrastructure, upgrade facilities such as field preservation and cold chain logistics, and promote value-added processing. Bring a batch to life. We will promote the adoption of measures such as rent relief, employment subsidies, and financial credit to support the rescue of assistance industries that are experiencing temporary business difficulties or stagnating development. Adjust a batch. Timely adjust the development of unsustainable assistance industries, properly solve the remaining problems, based on actual planning and development of new industries. Carry out the operation monitoring of the help industry and project assets, organize the assessment of the status of the help project assets, establish and improve the asset management mechanism, and incorporate the qualified into the unified management of rural collective assets.

10. Promoting stable employment for people lifted out of poverty. We will carry out an intensive campaign to prevent people from returning to poverty and finding jobs, and ensure that the number of people working out of poverty will be kept at least 30 million. Expand employment channels. We will promote the "Rain and Dew Plan +" employment promotion action and the "Double hundred and double thousand" cultivation project for rural artisans, encourage all localities to form regional labor cooperation alliances, and cultivate distinctive labor service brands in poverty alleviation areas. Promote local employment. Strengthen the operation monitoring of employment assistance workshops, and guide the help workshops with industrial upgrading conditions to develop into small and medium-sized enterprises. We will make good use of public welfare posts in rural areas and expand the use of work instead of relief. We will implement a special campaign to help key counties in the national effort to revitalize rural areas and support employment in large poverty-stricken resettlement areas.

11. Deepening regional cooperation and assistance. We will promote balanced development among regions. We will implement major national and regional strategies and strategies for coordinated regional development, formulate plans for agricultural and rural development in different regions, and improve coordination mechanisms. We will study the establishment of a regular assistance mechanism for underdeveloped areas. We will strengthen assistance to key counties. We guided 160 national key rural revitalization counties to implement pilot policies for coordinating and integrating agriculture-related funds, strengthened supervision over the use of integrated funds, and encouraged state-owned financial institutions to increase financial support. We will carry out monitoring and evaluation of the development results of key counties for national rural revitalization. Strengthen counterpart cooperation and assistance. We will continue to promote cooperation between the eastern and western regions, deepen efforts to jointly promote revitalization, and promote industrial cooperation, labor service cooperation, and consumer assistance. We will deepen the fixed-point assistance provided by the central government, implement the project of rural revitalization of old revolutionary base areas with lottery public welfare funds, do a solid job in providing agricultural and rural assistance to Xinjiang and Tibet, and work together to promote the development of ethnic minority areas and border areas and rural areas. We will strengthen social support. Optimize the selection and management of the first secretary of the village and the work team, further promote the action of "ten thousand enterprises revitalizing ten thousand villages", and carry out special activities for social organizations to help rural revitalization.

Third, strengthen agricultural science and technology and equipment support, lay a solid foundation for the development of modern agriculture

12. Strengthening the development of high-standard farmland. We will formulate and implement a plan to gradually turn all permanent basic farmland into high-standard farmland, and give priority to turning arable land in the black soil areas of Northeast China, plain areas, and areas with water conservancy irrigation conditions into high-standard farmland.We will intensify construction efforts. We will increase input from the central and provincial levels, innovate construction models and investment and financing mechanisms, and raise funds for construction in a diversified manner. We will implement projects such as high-standard farmland with special government bonds, and complete the annual task of building, upgrading and upgrading high-standard farmland. We carried out trials to develop high-standard farmland throughout the region. We will strengthen quality supervision. Establish and improve the quality supervision and inspection system of farmland construction projects, and carry out regular sampling tests on the quality of engineering facilities. We will improve the long-term management and protection mechanism for farmland construction, and encourage rural collective economic organizations, new types of agricultural operators, and farmers to directly participate in the management and protection of high-standard farmland construction.

13. Improving the quality of cultivated land. Improve farmland productivity. We will carry out the national Black land Protection Project, promote the action plan for conservation farming of black land in Northeast China, and implement 100 million mu of conservation farming. We will promote the implementation of actions to improve organic matter in cultivated land, strengthen the management of degraded cultivated land, build key counties for the management of acidified cultivated land, improve saline-alkali cultivated land by district and classification, and integrate and promote measures to improve the quality of cultivated land. We will carry out trials for the comprehensive utilization of reserve resources of saline-alkali land and other cultivated land, and promote the combination of "suitable land for species" and "suitable land for species". Protect cultivated land resources.Formulate measures for the quality acceptance of supplementary cultivated land, and promote the realization of "occupying the superior and supplementing the superior". Refine and clarify the rectification scope of cultivated land that is "non-grain", and rationally arrange the restoration sequence. Promote the use of abandoned land in accordance with local conditions, and support rural collective economic organizations that do not have any farming in multiple ways. We will strengthen the safe use of contaminated farmland. Strive to complete the third national soil census field survey sampling and internal testing and testing and form phased results, and promote the construction of soil resources.

14. Systematically promoting scientific and technological progress in agriculture and rural areas. Emphasizing application orientation, we will coordinate the research of key core technologies in the front-end, the integration of mid-end technology models, and the promotion of applicable technologies in the back-end, and build an agricultural science and technology innovation system with clear echelons, division of labor and cooperation, and moderate competition. We will strengthen independent innovation. Formulate strategic points for agricultural science and technology innovation. Comprehensively promote the research of key core technologies in agriculture, cultivate agricultural "spark technology", and make breakthroughs in the fields of chassis technology, core provenance, and agricultural machinery and equipment in hilly and mountainous areas as soon as possible. Improve conditions for innovation. Adjust and optimize the layout of scientific and technological innovation platforms in the agricultural field, build regional leading seed industry scientific and technological innovation centers, and build enterprise laboratories and enterprise innovation consortiums. Select a group of innovative national agricultural formation enterprises. We will build the third batch of national agricultural high-tech industrial demonstration zones. We will accelerate the promotion and application of these products. To strengthen the provincial modern agricultural industrial technology system. We will strengthen the construction of teams and conditions for the agricultural technology extension system at the grass-roots level, and strengthen the cooperation between the agricultural technology extension system and scientific research institutions and scientific and technological service enterprises. We will continue to build a leading county for the modernization of agricultural science and technology, and build a model county for strong agricultural science and technology.

(15) Accelerating the revitalization of the seed industry. Strengthen the protection and utilization of germplasm resources. Screening and mining of soybean, corn and other excellent germplasm and gene resources. To build a national germplasm bank for livestock, poultry and freshwater fisheries. Promote breeding innovation. We will carry out major agricultural biological breeding projects, make solid progress in the national breeding joint research and genetic improvement programs for livestock and poultry, and accelerate the selection and promotion of high-oil and high-yield soybeans, short-growth rapeseed, saline-alkali tolerant crops and other independent and excellent varieties that are urgently needed for production. We will carry out pilot projects integrating research and development, promotion and application of major varieties, and improve the independent innovation capacity of seed enterprises. Promote the industrialization of biological breeding expansion speed. Strengthen the construction of breeding and seed production bases. We will thoroughly implement the modern seed industry upgrading project and the incentive policy for major seed producing counties, build national seed production bases such as Nanfan Silicon Valley and Heilongjiang Soybean, and select a number of major seed producing counties, regional seed breeding bases, and core breeding farms for livestock and poultry. We will strengthen the management of variety testing and certification, and promote the implementation of the seed certification system.

(16) Improving the level of research and development and application of agricultural machinery and equipment. We will promote the creation of advanced agricultural machinery. Vigorously implement the action of strengthening the shortcomings of agricultural machinery and equipment, and build a "big and small" agricultural machinery and equipment research and development, manufacturing and promotion of the application of pilot areas. We will carry out pilot projects integrating research, development, manufacturing, promotion and application of agricultural machinery, and promote the construction of application bases for research, production and promotion of agricultural machinery and equipment. Promote the application of agricultural machinery. We will improve the policy on subsidies for the purchase and application of agricultural machinery, explore ways to redeem subsidy funds linked to the amount of work, and promote better machinery and subsidies. Open up the urgent need for the application of agricultural machinery identification "green channel". Improve the service capacity of agricultural machinery. We will build social service centers for regional agricultural machinery, and promote and apply the whole-process mechanized production mode according to local conditions. Strengthen manual operation skills training, and further promote machine collection and loss reduction. 14. Systematically promoting scientific and technological progress in agriculture and rural areas. Emphasizing application orientation, we will coordinate the research of key core technologies in the front-end, the integration of mid-end technology models, and the promotion of applicable technologies in the back-end, and build an agricultural science and technology innovation system with clear echelons, division of labor and cooperation, and moderate competition. We will strengthen independent innovation. Formulate strategic points for agricultural science and technology innovation. Comprehensively promote the research of key core technologies in agriculture, cultivate agricultural "spark technology", and make breakthroughs in the fields of chassis technology, core provenance, and agricultural machinery and equipment in hilly and mountainous areas as soon as possible. Improve conditions for innovation. Adjust and optimize the layout of scientific and technological innovation platforms in the agricultural field, build regional leading seed industry scientific and technological innovation centers, and build enterprise laboratories and enterprise innovation consortiums. Select a group of innovative national agricultural formation enterprises. We will build the third batch of national agricultural high-tech industrial demonstration zones. We will accelerate the promotion and application of these products. To strengthen the provincial modern agricultural industrial technology system. We will strengthen the construction of teams and conditions for the agricultural technology extension system at the grass-roots level, and strengthen the cooperation between the agricultural technology extension system and scientific research institutions and scientific and technological service enterprises. We will continue to build a leading county for the modernization of agricultural science and technology, and build a model county for strong agricultural science and technology.

(15) Accelerating the revitalization of the seed industry. Strengthen the protection and utilization of germplasm resources. Screening and mining of soybean, corn and other excellent germplasm and gene resources. To build a national germplasm bank for livestock, poultry and freshwater fisheries. Promote breeding innovation. We will carry out major agricultural biological breeding projects, make solid progress in the national breeding joint research and genetic improvement programs for livestock and poultry, and accelerate the selection and promotion of high-oil and high-yield soybeans, short-growth rapeseed, saline-alkali tolerant crops and other independent and excellent varieties that are urgently needed for production. We will carry out pilot projects integrating research and development, promotion and application of major varieties, and improve the independent innovation capacity of seed enterprises. Promote the industrialization of biological breeding expansion speed. Strengthen the construction of breeding and seed production bases. We will thoroughly implement the modern seed industry upgrading project and the incentive policy for major seed producing counties, build national seed production bases such as Nanfan Silicon Valley and Heilongjiang Soybean, and select a number of major seed producing counties, regional seed breeding bases, and core breeding farms for livestock and poultry. We will strengthen the management of variety testing and certification, and promote the implementation of the seed certification system.

(16) Improving the level of research and development and application of agricultural machinery and equipment. We will promote the creation of advanced agricultural machinery. Vigorously implement the action of strengthening the shortcomings of agricultural machinery and equipment, and build a "big and small" agricultural machinery and equipment research and development, manufacturing and promotion of the application of pilot areas. We will carry out pilot projects integrating research, development, manufacturing, promotion and application of agricultural machinery, and promote the construction of application bases for research, production and promotion of agricultural machinery and equipment. Promote the application of agricultural machinery. We will improve the policy on subsidies for the purchase and application of agricultural machinery, explore ways to redeem subsidy funds linked to the amount of work, and promote better machinery and subsidies. Open up the urgent need for the application of agricultural machinery identification "green channel". Improve the service capacity of agricultural machinery. We will build social service centers for regional agricultural machinery, and promote and apply the whole-process mechanized production mode according to local conditions. Strengthen manual operation skills training, and further promote machine collection and loss reduction.

Fourth, strengthen the protection of agricultural resources and environment, and promote the green transformation of agricultural development

(17) Strengthening conservation of aquatic living resources. We will unswervingly push forward the 10-year fishing ban in the Yangtze River. We will carry out joint law enforcement and supervision of departments on a regular basis to crack down on all kinds of illegal fishing. Strengthen the capacity building of fishery administration law enforcement, focusing on the Yangtze River basin, and strengthen the application of intelligent facilities. We will promote the improvement of the resettlement and social security level of fishermen who have retired from fishing, promptly identify qualified fishermen who have retired from fishing as monitoring objects to prevent the return of poverty, and implement the "warm heart action" of tracking and investigating fishermen who have retired from fishing in ten provinces and 100 counties and thousands of households and providing employment assistance. Conservation of aquatic biodiversity. We will strengthen the investigation, monitoring and assessment of aquatic living resources, publish the Yangtze River aquatic Life Integrity Index, carry out surveys on the habitats of rare and endangered aquatic wildlife, and intensify efforts to implement the action plan for the protection of flagship species such as the Chinese sturgeon and the Chinese white dolphin. We will strengthen the development of national aquatic germplasm resource reserves, strengthen the implementation of measures to compensate fish-related ecological conditions, and promote the restoration of aquatic habitats.

18. Strengthening the prevention and control of pollution from non-point agricultural sources.We will reduce the amount of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and increase their efficiency. The implementation of scientific fertilizer efficiency action, select a number of rural integrated system to promote fertilizer new technology, new products and new machinery. Promote the reduction of pesticides, and promote the integrated development of green prevention and control and unified prevention and control. Speed up the revision of the list of banned pesticides.We will strengthen the utilization of agricultural wastes as resources. We will carry out a county-wide project to promote the utilization of livestock and poultry manure as resources, and support farmers in building, upgrading and upgrading manure treatment facilities. We will build a number of key counties for the comprehensive utilization of straw, and promote the scientific return and efficient removal of straw from the fields.Carry out joint supervision of mulch film "100-day attack" action, prohibit non-standard mulch film into the market and field, and promote the scientific use and disposal of mulch film. With a focus on the Yangtze Economic Belt and the Yellow River basin, we will expand the pilot system for comprehensive prevention and control of pollution from non-point sources of agriculture with all factors and chains. We will promote deep water conservation and water control in the Yellow River basin.

19. Vigorously develop ecological and circular agriculture. We will formulate an implementation plan for eco-circular agriculture and accelerate the construction of an eco-circular agricultural industrial system. Promote green technology to promote small circulation. We will strengthen technical training for new types of agricultural operators, promote the use of green and efficient varieties of machinery and tools, and develop integrated rice and fishery farming, and ecological farming of grain, livestock, fungi and fruits in light of local conditions. Promote the combination of planting and breeding to promote circulation. We will carry out trials of green farming and recycling agriculture, cultivate a number of social service organizations for returning manure to fields, and promote the adaptation of farming and breeding and ecological recycling. Developing green economy to promote big circulation. We will build a number of ecological and circular agricultural production bases and promote green and low-carbon development of the entire industrial chain. We will accelerate the construction of national pilot zones for green agricultural development, and carry out monitoring and evaluation of the level of green agricultural development at the provincial level.

20. Increasing the supply of green and high-quality agricultural products. We will deepen the implementation of the "three products and one standard" campaign for agricultural production and agricultural products, promote the improvement of varieties, quality, brand building and standardized production, and accelerate the development of production bases for high-quality agricultural products such as green, organic, geographical indications, famous, special and new products. Promote standardized production. Establish a standardized production and quality grading system covering the whole chain, and promote the standardization of the whole industrial chain of modern agriculture. We will strengthen supervision over quality and safety. We will carry out efforts to control prominent drug residues in cowpea and key aquaculture varieties, and strengthen supervision of other varieties with low qualification rates. We will strengthen the testing of agricultural products, promote the application of new rapid testing technologies, fully implement the system of promising compliance certificates for edible agricultural products, and expand the coverage of traceability management and credit supervision of agricultural products' quality and safety. Cultivate boutique brands. We will improve the catalogue system for agricultural brands, implement a plan to cultivate high-quality agricultural brands, and build a number of regional public brands, enterprise brands, and brands of high-quality and featured products. We will ensure the success of the China International Agricultural Products Fair and other exhibitions.

Fifth, promote the development of rural industries across the chain and broaden the channels for farmers to increase income and get rich

(21) Vigorously develop industries with rural characteristics. Improve the characteristics of breeding. Support the collection and survey of characteristic germplasm resources, and select a number of characteristic varieties with good characteristics. We will build a number of standardized production bases for distinctive agricultural products, select a number of standard demonstration parks for tropical crops, and promote industrial upgrading. We will improve the layout and variety structure of fruit production, develop modern orchards, improve post-harvest treatment, processing and cold chain logistics systems, and promote the high-quality development of the fruit industry. Do fine local characteristics industry. Strengthen the protection and inheritance of traditional handicrafts, explore and cultivate artisans, blacksmiths, paper-cutting workers and other skilled craftsmen, promote the development of traditional craft characteristics industry, and create local brands such as "craft brand" and "culture brand". Cultivate specialized villages and towns with special rural industries, and develop a number of villages and towns with special grain and oil, fruit, vegetable and tea, livestock and poultry, aquatic products, and local industries.

(XXII) High value to enhance the agricultural product processing industry. Improve technical equipment. Support the construction of regional primary processing facilities such as pre-cooling, drying, storage and preservation, and fresh cutting and packaging, and promote the application of advanced processing technologies such as new sterilization and efficient separation. We will build a number of scientific research and test bases for agricultural product processing technology, and improve the national system for research and development of agricultural product processing technology. Promote chain extension value-added. Map the "processing tree" of grain and important agricultural products, and guide processing enterprises to develop diversified processing products. We will build a number of typical counties with the whole industrial chain, focusing on the processing industry of agricultural products. We will promote the comprehensive utilization of by-products from the processing of agricultural products, and develop rice oil, germ oil and protein feed products. We will guide local governments in building industrial parks for processing agricultural products.

23. Promoting integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas. Build a fusion vehicle. We will optimize the implementation of integrated development projects for agricultural industries, and support the construction of a number of industrial clusters with advantages and characteristics, national modern agricultural industrial parks, and strong towns for agricultural industries. We will further promote the establishment of agricultural modernization demonstration zones and explore models for agricultural modernization development in different regions and categories. We will promote the development of a number of Taiwan farmers' entrepreneurship parks and cross-Straits cooperation bases for rural revitalization, and promote the integrated development of agriculture and rural areas across the Taiwan Straits. We will promote the integration of agriculture, culture and tourism. We will implement actions to improve leisure agriculture, build a number of key counties in the country for leisure agriculture, select and promote China's beautiful leisure villages and scenic spots for rural leisure tourism, and develop differentiated rural leisure tourism products and services. We will improve the mechanism for connecting farmers to bring benefits to farmers. We will foster an agricultural industrialization consortium, link support policies for new types of agricultural business entities and agriculture-related enterprises with efforts to increase farmers' incomes, and leave more benefits from industrial value-added to farmers.

24. Improving the efficiency of agricultural product distribution. Improve the network of cold chain facilities. We will implement the construction of cold chain logistics facilities for storage and preservation of agricultural products, support the construction of a number of cold chain storage and preservation facilities in fields, and promote the construction of a number of key cold chain logistics bases and cold chain distribution centers for agricultural products in producing areas. We will jointly build a number of national markets for producing agricultural products, and promote the development of public infrastructure such as trading services, warehousing and logistics. Develop e-commerce of agricultural products. We will implement the "Internet Plus" project to take agricultural products out of villages and into cities, and sum up typical experience in popularizing them. Promote the construction of a number of county-level agricultural and sideline product e-commerce live broadcast bases to promote online sales of high-quality agricultural products.

Sixth, we will make solid progress in rural construction and governance, and build a livable, viable and beautiful countryside

25. We will deepen efforts to improve rural living environments. We will steadily upgrade toilets in rural areas. To guide the central and western regions with suitable resource conditions and mature technology models to steadily promote the renovation of household toilets, actively carry out research and development and pilot projects for applicable technology products in arid and cold regions, and explore a reward model in which farmers voluntarily upgrade toilets according to standards and receive subsidies to households after government acceptance. With the conditions to promote the simultaneous construction of toilets and domestic sewage treatment facilities, together with management and care. We will jointly promote the treatment of rural domestic sewage and garbage. We will promote the treatment of domestic sewage in rural areas in different steps, and carry out dynamic investigation and source control of black and odorous water bodies in rural areas. Improve the classification, collection, transportation and disposal system of rural household waste, and explore and promote the reduction and resource utilization of source classification in places where conditions permit. Improve the overall appearance of the village. Establish and improve the regular cleaning system, and promote village cleaning activities in an orderly manner. Demonstration of creating beautiful and livable villages.

26. Advancing the development of rural infrastructure and public service systems in a coordinated manner. We will strengthen coordination of construction tasks. We will encourage provinces, cities and counties to compile annual task lists for rural construction, and plan and distribute rural infrastructure and public services. The rural construction project database shall be established by county, and the priority of construction shall be reasonably arranged. We will improve the national information monitoring platform for rural construction, and improve the evaluation mechanism for advancing work and the mechanism for finding and handling problems. We will promote public infrastructure in rural areas to strengthen weaknesses. We will carry out small village renovation, small improvement, and intensive upgrading, and steadily raise the level of small public welfare infrastructure construction. We will coordinate the construction of rural infrastructure such as water and electricity roads and the construction of rural public service systems such as education, medical care and elderly care, and promote the extension of infrastructure and public service construction to state-owned farms. We will carry out monitoring and evaluation in important areas of rural public services, and collect and promote typical cases of rural public services. In-depth implementation of the "100 schools and 100 counties Xing thousand villages" action.

27. Improving rural governance. Promote innovative and effective governance methods. Promote practical and effective rural governance methods such as the checklist system, the points system, and the "villagers say things", promote digitalized and empowered rural governance, and enrich and expand institutional governance methods. We launched the second batch of pilot projects for building a national rural governance system, encouraged local governments to explore new models and paths for rural governance, and promoted a number of national rural governance models. We will promote the transformation of rural customs and customs. We will carry out comprehensive measures to address prominent problems in key areas such as high betrothal gifts and big undertakings. Notice praised a number of special management work to change customs and customs advanced county (city, district). We will encourage all localities to make use of comprehensive rural service sites to provide convenient conditions for farmers' weddings, funerals and other marriages. We will improve new arrangements for weddings, simpler arrangements for funerals, and binding norms and advocacy standards for filial piety and love for the elderly.

28. Promoting the development of rural culture We will strengthen the construction of spiritual civilization in rural areas. Organize the "Rural Culture and Art Exhibition Season" and "Rural Reading Season in the New Era" activities, and launch a number of outstanding cultural works in the field of "agriculture, rural areas". We will host the Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival. We will insist that farmers play the leading role, and encourage and support grassroots and rural people to independently hold "village BA", village super, village evening and other mass cultural and sports activities. We will protect and pass on the fine farming culture. We have actively built a platform for displaying rural culture, carried out a project to inherit and protect farming culture, carried out a survey of rural cultural resources, started the excavation and identification of the eighth batch of important agricultural cultural heritage in China, and declared a number of important agricultural cultural heritage in the world. Encourage places where conditions permit to set up farming culture lecture halls, carry out publicity activities on "China in Agricultural cultural heritage", and implement the cultivation program of "good agricultural heritage products".

7. Steadily deepen rural reform and stimulate the driving force for rural revitalization

29. Steadily advancing reform of the rural land system. We will prudently carry out the reform of contracted land. We will launch a pilot project to extend the second round of land contracts for another 30 years after they expire, and promote the online signing of rural land contracts. We will improve the land transfer service system and promote the establishment of a reasonable price guidance mechanism for land transfer. We will explore and improve supporting measures for farmers who have settled in cities to voluntarily and compensatively withdraw from the right to contract land. We will prudently carry forward reform of the rural housing land system. We will deepen pilot reforms, and continue to promote the separation of rights and the improvement of power of residential land. We will promote the establishment of diversified mechanisms to ensure that rural households have adequate housing, strengthen capacity building for the management and service of community-level residential land, improve policies for the active use of idle rural housing and idle residential land, and build a unified national information platform for the management of rural residential land. Interim measures for the management of residential land were introduced. We will steadily advance the construction of pilot areas for rural reform, and summarize and promote a number of replicable and referential models of rural reform experience.

30. Accelerating the establishment of a modern agricultural operation system. We will promote new types of agricultural operators. We will carry out trials to improve the quality and ability of new types of agricultural business entities, establish a number of model farmers' cooperatives and model family farms, support family farms in setting up farmers' cooperatives, and strengthen the tracking and guidance of observation points and the dissemination of experience of farmers' cooperative community companies. We will carry out the campaign of "1,000 employees lead 10,000 communities", and encourage farmers' cooperative associations and other organizations to provide services for the full cycle of development of new agricultural business entities. The "one-code" management and service system for family farms will be fully implemented. We will develop socialized services for agriculture. We will strengthen the capacity building of socialized agricultural service entities, encourage qualified service entities to build regional socialized agricultural comprehensive service centers, and expand service areas and models. We will establish and improve a standard system for socialized agricultural services, refine service technical specifications and operational requirements, and strengthen the evaluation of service effects. Enhance the ability to drive the radiation of agricultural reclamation. Further promote the reform of regional collectivization of reclamation areas, and guide the reform of farm enterprises by classification. We will implement the "social services for agricultural reclamation + local areas" action to support the development of the whole industrial chain services for local areas. To carry out monitoring of the management and utilization of agricultural reclamation land, and improve the management and utilization of agricultural reclamation land. We will consolidate and upgrade less-developed state-owned farms.

31. Deepening reform of the rural collective property rights system. We will strengthen management of rural collective assets. We will improve the supervision, management and service system, improve the national platform for supervision and management of rural collective assets, and promote the introduction of the policy of tax relief for collective assets registered under the name of rural collective economic organizations by villagers' committees and groups. We will guide eligible areas in exploring ways to carry out paid withdrawal and inheritance of collective income distribution rights. Develop a new type of rural collective economy. We will promote the steady development of a new type of rural collective economy, encourage the exploration of diversified development channels such as resource contracting, property leasing, intermediary services, and asset equity participation, and support rural collective economic organizations in providing production, labor and other services. Strictly control the risks of rural collective operation. Standardize the flow of transactions. We will carry out trials to standardize the transfer and transaction of rural property rights in a steady and orderly manner. We will examine and approve the acquisition of land management rights by industrial and commercial enterprises and other social capital through transfer. Promote the construction of land transfer ledger information platform, explore the establishment of land transfer risk investigation and disposal mechanism.

Promoting high-level opening up of agriculture. The fourth batch of high-quality development bases for agricultural international trade was identified. We will accelerate the construction of Weifang and Ningxia national comprehensive pilot zones for agricultural opening and development, and promote the construction of domestic pilot zones for agricultural opening and cooperation and overseas agricultural industrial parks. Support the use of the SCO agricultural technology exchange and training demonstration bases to strengthen cooperation in modern agriculture.

8. Strengthen support and guarantee, and promote the implementation of work

33. Strengthening overall planning and coordination for rural revitalization. Improve the promotion mechanism. Implement the work guidelines for rural industry revitalization, talent revitalization, cultural revitalization, ecological revitalization, organizational revitalization and rural construction, refine the work plan, track and dispatch in a timely manner, and promote the implementation of the work. Strengthen assessment and supervision. Solid implementation of the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation achievements with the effective integration of rural revitalization assessment, promote the rural revitalization strategy performance assessment, and strengthen the use of assessment results. Explore the establishment of daily monitoring and evaluation and regular supervision and inspection mechanisms, and promote the implementation of the rural revitalization responsibility system. Conduct demonstration creation. We will further promote the creation of national demonstration counties for rural revitalization, and explore ways of organizing, developing and practicing rural revitalization in different regions. We will promote commendation for rural revitalization.

34. Improving diversified investment channels. Get financial support. We will encourage all localities to implement the policy of subsidizing agriculture with proceeds from land sales, increase the scale of local governments' special bonds to subsidize agriculture, and increase fiscal support for major rural revitalization projects. The proportion of central government subsidies for rural revitalization used in industries remained generally stable, performance management was strengthened, and project management methods were optimized. Expand the scale of credit funds. We will optimize credit through-train services for agricultural business entities, improve the mechanism for connecting agricultural and rural infrastructure financing project libraries, and guide financial institutions to increase credit issuance. We will carry out trials of discount loans for modern facility agriculture and high-standard farmland development, and strengthen fiscal and financial coordination. We worked to improve the service efficiency of agricultural trucks nationwide. We will do a good job in microfinance for people living out of poverty. We will give play to the role of agricultural insurance. We will promote nationwide coverage of full cost insurance and planting income insurance for the three main grains, and expand the trials of full cost insurance and planting income insurance for soybeans. We will support local governments in expanding insurance types for agricultural products with local characteristics. Promote agricultural insurance accurate insurance claims, to achieve full compensation. We will improve the "insurance + futures" model. We will guide nongovernmental capital investment. We will revise guidelines for nongovernmental investment in agriculture and rural areas, give full play to the role of rural revitalization funds, guide local governments to make good use of platforms such as agricultural investment companies, and expand investment in agriculture and rural areas in an orderly manner.

35. We will expand the ranks of rural professionals. We will strengthen the training of agricultural science and technology personnel. Special projects such as the "Shennong Talent" program have been implemented, and the selection of the China Agricultural Talent Award has been organized to select a group of high-level agricultural science and technology leaders. We will improve policies to encourage scientific and technological personnel, and expand the scope of "government-funded agricultural students." We will promote the establishment of a system for urban professional and technical personnel to regularly serve rural areas, and encourage experts from scientific research institutes and universities to serve rural areas. We will strengthen the training of practical rural personnel. We will further implement the "Head Wild Goose" project, the high-quality farmer cultivation program and the "Cultivator Revitalization Program" for leaders in rural industry revitalization, strengthen the training of leaders in rural practical talents, and carry out the selection and funding of the "Top Ten Farmers in the country." We will improve the mechanism for training highly skilled personnel in agriculture and rural areas. We will carry out in-depth training on rural revitalization for officials involved in agriculture.

36. Strengthening the rule of law in agriculture and rural areas. Improve the system of legal norms. We will advance the revision of the Rural Collective Economic Organization Law, the Law on the Protection and Quality Improvement of Cultivated Land, the Agriculture Law, the Fisheries Law, and the Regulations on the Protection of New Varieties of Plants, and improve supporting rules and regulations. We will deepen reform of comprehensive agricultural administrative law enforcement. In-depth implementation of the comprehensive agricultural administrative law enforcement capacity to improve the action, organized the establishment of comprehensive agricultural administrative law enforcement demonstration, carried out regular law enforcement training, and carried out the "green sword to protect grain security" law enforcement action. We will strengthen law enforcement in key areas such as the quality of agricultural materials, the quality and safety of agricultural products, animal and plant quarantine, and the protection of intellectual property rights in the seed industry. Strengthen publicity on the rule of law. We will speed up the cultivation of rural demonstration households for the study and use of the law, build a number of rural legal publicity and education bases, and carry out various forms of rural law-popularizing activities. We will accelerate the electronic processing of administrative licensing matters.

Strengthen overall planning and coordination, adhere to the work that leads the promotion, take the initiative to cooperate with the work, and implement the work measures in detail; Arouse the wind of investigation and research, enhance work skills, improve work style, improve the ability to prevent and resolve risks, and make greater contributions to comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, accelerating the construction of an agricultural power, and writing a new chapter in the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in the new era!




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