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The No. 1 central document will be released in 2024! The 12th No. 1 central document of the Central Committee guiding the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" since the 18th Nation



The 12th No. 1 central document guiding the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was authorized by Xinhua News Agency on the 3rd, proposing a "road map" to vigorously and effectively promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas.

This document is entitled "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Effectively Promoting the Comprehensive Revitalization of Rural Areas through Learning and Applying the Experience of the 'Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Rectification' Project". The full text consists of six parts, including ensuring national food security, preventing large-scale poverty relapse, improving the level of rural industrial development, enhancing the level of rural construction, improving the level of rural governance, and strengthening the Party's comprehensive leadership over the work of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers.

The document points out that to promote Chinese path to modernization, we must unswervingly consolidate the agricultural foundation and promote the overall revitalization of the countryside. We need to learn and apply the development concept, work methods, and promotion mechanism contained in the "Ten Million Project", take the promotion of comprehensive rural revitalization as the overall focus of the "Three Rural Issues" work in the new era and new journey, adhere to the people-centered development concept, fully, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept, implement policies according to local conditions and categories, gradually and persistently achieve results, concentrate our efforts on doing a number of practical things that are accessible to the masses, and continuously make substantial progress and phased achievements.

The document puts forward that the bottom line is to ensure national food security and prevent large-scale poverty return, and the focus is to improve the level of rural industry development, rural construction and rural governance. The two wheel drive of science and technology and reform will be strengthened, farmers' income increase measures will be strengthened, and a beautiful battle will be fought to comprehensively revitalize the countryside. A new picture of livable and beautiful countryside will be drawn to accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas and better promote the construction of Chinese path to modernization.

The relevant person in charge of the Office of the Central Leading Group for Rural Work stated that it is necessary to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important discourse on "agriculture, rural areas, and farmers" work, anchor the goal of building a strong agricultural country, truly work hard and do a good job in the key work of 2024, fully complete the established goals and tasks, and continuously make new progress in promoting the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas.

Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Effectively Promoting the Comprehensive Revitalization of Rural Areas through Learning and Applying the Experience of the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Rectification" Project
(January 1, 2024)

To promote Chinese path to modernization, we must unswervingly consolidate the agricultural foundation and promote the overall revitalization of rural areas. General Secretary Xi Jinping personally planned and promoted the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Improvement" project (hereinafter referred to as the "Ten Million Project") while working in Zhejiang. Starting from the improvement of rural environment, the project has been continuously upgraded from point to surface, and has worked hard for 20 years to create thousands of beautiful villages, benefiting thousands of farmers and creating successful experiences and practical examples for promoting comprehensive rural revitalization. We need to learn and apply the development concept, work methods, and promotion mechanism contained in the "Ten Million Project", take the promotion of comprehensive rural revitalization as the overall focus of the "Three Rural Issues" work in the new era and new journey, adhere to the people-centered development concept, fully, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept, implement policies according to local conditions and categories, gradually and persistently achieve results, concentrate our efforts on doing a number of practical things that are accessible to the masses, and continuously make substantial progress and phased achievements.

To do a good job in the work related to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers in 2024 and beyond, we must take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as guidance, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 2nd Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important discourse on agriculture, rural areas, and farmers' work, adhere to and strengthen the Party's comprehensive leadership over agriculture, rural areas, and farmers' work, anchor the goal of building a strong agricultural country, take learning and applying the experience of the "Ten Million Project" as guidance, ensure national food security and prevent large-scale poverty relapse as the bottom line, focus on improving the development level of rural industries, enhancing the level of rural construction, and improving the level of rural governance, strengthen the dual wheel drive of science and technology and reform, enhance measures to increase farmers' income, win the beautiful battle of comprehensive rural revitalization, A new picture of the beautiful countryside, To speed up the modernization of agriculture and rural areas and better promote the construction of Chinese path to modernization.

1、 Ensure national food security

(1) Strengthen the production of grain and important agricultural products. Solidly promote a new round of action to increase grain production capacity by billions of kilograms. Stabilize the planting area of grain, shift the focus of increasing grain production to large-scale increase in yield, and ensure that grain output remains above 1.3 trillion catties. Implement the Grain Yield Improvement Project, integrate and promote good farmland, good crops, good machinery, and good methods. Consolidate the achievements of soybean expansion and support the development of high oil and high-yield varieties. Appropriately increase the minimum purchase price of wheat and reasonably determine the minimum purchase price of rice. Continue to implement subsidies for farmland fertility protection, subsidies for corn and soybean producers, and subsidies for rice. Improve the mechanism for ensuring supply and stabilizing prices of agricultural inputs, and encourage local governments to explore and establish dynamic subsidy methods linked to the increase in agricultural input prices. Expand the implementation scope of full cost insurance and planting income insurance policies, achieve nationwide coverage of the three major staple foods, and orderly expansion of soybean coverage. Encourage local development of characteristic agricultural product insurance. Promote precise insurance coverage and claims for agricultural insurance, ensuring that all claims are fully compensated. Improve the catastrophic insurance system. Increase support for grain producing counties. Explore the establishment of a cross provincial compensation mechanism for grain production and sales areas, and deepen multi-channel production and sales cooperation. Expand the area of rapeseed and support the development of characteristic oilseeds such as oil tea. Increase subsidies for sugar cane seedlings and machine harvesting. Strengthen the construction of emergency supply bases for "vegetable basket" products, optimize the mechanism for regulating pig production capacity, and stabilize the basic production capacity of beef and mutton. Improve the standards for liquid milk, standardize the labeling of reconstituted milk, and promote the consumption of fresh milk. Support deep-sea aquaculture and develop forest food. Establish a big agricultural and food concept, expand food sources through multiple channels, and explore the construction of a big food monitoring and statistical system.

(2) Strictly implement the farmland protection system. Establish a comprehensive protection system for the quantity, quality, and ecology of arable land, and implement the clear protection tasks for arable land and permanent basic farmland in the new round of national spatial planning. Reform and improve the system of balancing the occupation and compensation of arable land, adhere to the principle of "compensation determines occupation", and set the net increase in stable utilization of arable land within the province as the upper limit of the allowed occupation of arable land for non-agricultural construction in the next year. Establish a sound system for supplementing the quality acceptance of cultivated land, and improve the subsequent management and re evaluation mechanism. Strengthen the management of degraded farmland, increase the promotion of black soil protection projects, and implement actions to improve the organic matter of farmland. Strictly crack down on crimes of illegal occupation of agricultural land and illegal soil extraction from cultivated land. Continuously rectify 'greenhouse houses'. Classify and prudently carry out rectification and restoration of illegally occupied arable land, refine and clarify the scope of rectification of "non grain" arable land, and reasonably arrange the restoration time sequence. We will promote the utilization of abandoned land according to local conditions, and use various methods to support rural collective economic organizations that have no one to cultivate the land.

(3) Strengthen the construction of agricultural infrastructure. Adhere to quality first, prioritize the construction of high standard farmland in the black soil areas, plain areas, and areas with water conservancy irrigation conditions in Northeast China, appropriately increase the level of central and provincial investment subsidies, cancel the funding requirements for major grain producing counties in various regions, strengthen the supervision of the entire process of high standard farmland construction, and ensure that every piece is built and completed. Encourage rural collective economic organizations, new agricultural management entities, and farmers to directly participate in the construction and management of high standard farmland. Carry out the management and improvement of saline alkali farmland by zoning and classification, combining "planting suitable land" with "planting suitable land", and supporting pilot projects for comprehensive utilization of saline alkali land. Promote the construction and modernization of key water sources, irrigation areas, and flood storage and detention areas, and implement projects such as reservoir reinforcement, small and medium-sized river management, and construction of small and medium-sized reservoirs. Strengthen the construction and management of small-scale agricultural water conservancy facilities. Accelerate the post disaster recovery and reconstruction of disaster stricken areas. Strengthen short-term warning and long-term trend analysis of meteorological disasters, and improve the long-term mechanism for agricultural disaster prevention, reduction, and relief. Promote the modernization and upgrading of facility agriculture.

(4) Strengthen agricultural technology support. Optimize the strategic layout of agricultural technology innovation and support the construction of major innovation platforms. Accelerate the revitalization of the seed industry, improve the joint research and development and application cooperation mechanism, increase the key core technology research and development of seed sources, and accelerate the breeding and promotion of domestically produced excellent varieties urgently needed for production. Carry out integrated pilot projects for the research and development, promotion, and application of major varieties. Promote the expansion and acceleration of the industrialization of biological breeding. Vigorously implement the action of filling gaps in agricultural machinery and equipment, improve the subsidy policies for the purchase and application of agricultural machinery, and open up a "green channel" for urgently needed application of agricultural machinery appraisal. Strengthen the construction of grassroots agricultural technology promotion system conditions and enhance the function of public welfare services.

(5) Building a modern agricultural management system. Focusing on solving the problem of "who will farm the land", with small farmers as the foundation, new agricultural management entities as the focus, and socialized services as the support, we will accelerate the construction of a high-quality production and operation team that adapts to the development of modern agriculture. Improve the production and operation level of family farms and farmer cooperatives, and enhance the ability of services to drive small farmers. Strengthen the construction of agricultural socialized service platforms and standard systems, focus on key weak links in agricultural production and small farmers, and expand service areas and models. Support rural collective economic organizations to provide intermediary services such as production and labor services.

(6) Enhance the ability to regulate grain and important agricultural products. Establish a sound monitoring and early warning mechanism for the entire agricultural product industry chain, strengthen multi variety linkage regulation, reserve regulation, and emergency support. Optimize the layout of grain storage facilities and enhance the safety level of reserves. Deepen agricultural cooperation along the "the Belt and Road". Intensify the crackdown on smuggling of agricultural products. Strengthen monitoring and analysis of the consumption of grain and important agricultural products.

(7) Continuously deepen various actions for food conservation. Promote the glorious trend of thrift, advance the reduction of grain consumption throughout the entire chain, and establish a normalized and long-term working mechanism. Explore the potential of grain machine harvesting and loss reduction, promote new equipment for bulk grain transportation and storage. Improve the standards for moderate processing of grain. Vigorously promote healthy eating, establish a regulatory system that combines departmental supervision, industry self-discipline, and social supervision, and resolutely stop wasteful behavior in the catering industry.

2、 Ensure that there is no large-scale return to poverty

(8) Implement a monitoring and assistance mechanism to prevent poverty relapse. Strengthen and compact the responsibility of preventing poverty from returning, and continuously consolidate and improve the achievements of the "three guarantees" and drinking water safety guarantee. For farmers who are at risk of returning to poverty due to disasters, assistance measures can be implemented first if they meet policy requirements. Strengthen the monitoring and early warning of patients with high medical expenses in rural areas, and timely implement medical security and assistance policies in accordance with regulations. Accelerate the promotion of interconnectivity between poverty prevention monitoring and dynamic monitoring information platforms for low-income populations, and strengthen cross departmental information integration and sharing. Research and promote the integration and coordination of policies to prevent poverty relapse and provide regular assistance to low-income rural populations.

(9) Continuously strengthen industrial and employment assistance. Strengthen the guidance of industry classification for assistance, consolidate, upgrade, revitalize, and adjust a batch of industries, and promote the improvement of industry quality, efficiency, and sustainable development. The proportion of subsidies from the central government to promote rural revitalization for industrial development remains generally stable, and the performance management of fund projects is strengthened. Strengthen the asset management of assistance projects and include those that meet the conditions in the unified management of rural collective assets. Enhance the effectiveness of consumer assistance to boost farmers' income. Promote the campaign to prevent poverty from returning to employment, implement the responsibility of labor cooperation and assistance between the east and the west, coordinate and make good use of employment assistance workshops, public welfare positions and other channels, and stabilize the employment scale of poverty-stricken labor force.

(10) Intensify assistance and support to key areas. Optimize and adjust the pilot policy for the overall integration of agricultural funds in poverty-stricken counties to be implemented in 160 key counties for national rural revitalization assistance, and strengthen the supervision of the use of integrated funds. State owned financial institutions will increase their financial support for key counties receiving assistance for rural revitalization. Continuously carry out group based assistance for medical and educational cadres and talents, as well as the selection of science and technology special missions. The "Three Supports and One Assistance" plan for college graduates is tilted towards poverty-stricken areas. Support the sustainable development of relocation and resettlement areas for poverty alleviation. Families who face housing difficulties due to population growth after relocating to urban areas, and those who meet the conditions, will be included in the scope of urban housing security. Promote the establishment of a normalized assistance mechanism for underdeveloped areas.

3、 Enhance the level of rural industrial development

(11) Promote the integrated development of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in rural areas. Persist in promoting agriculture through industry, quality, and green development, accelerate the construction of a modern rural industrial system that integrates grain, economy, and feed, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery, integrates production, processing, sales, and tourism, and turns agriculture into a modern large-scale industry. Encourage localities to vigorously develop characteristic industries according to local conditions and support the creation of local characteristic brands. Implement the deep integration project of rural culture and tourism, promote the construction of rural tourism clusters (villages), cultivate new formats such as ecotourism, forest health, and leisure camping, and promote the standardized development and quality improvement of rural homestays. Optimize the implementation of rural industrial integration development projects and cultivate agricultural industrialization consortia.

(12) Promote the optimization and upgrading of the agricultural product processing industry. Promote the coordinated development of agricultural product production, primary processing, and deep processing, and promote the transformation and value-added of local products. Promote the transformation and upgrading of agricultural product processing facilities, support the construction of regional pre cooling and drying, storage and preservation, fresh cutting and packaging facilities, and develop intelligent and clean deep processing. Support the development of the entire industry chain processing of agricultural products such as soybeans in Northeast China, and build a cluster of food and feed industries. Support the construction of processing industrial parks in major grain and important agricultural product producing areas.

(13) Promote high-quality development of rural circulation. Deepen the construction of county-level commercial system, improve the logistics distribution system in counties and rural areas, promote the integrated development of rural passenger, freight and mail, and vigorously develop common distribution. Promote the transformation and upgrading of wholesale markets for agricultural products. Optimize the construction of the cold chain logistics system for agricultural products, accelerate the construction of backbone cold chain logistics bases, and lay out the construction of public cold chain logistics facilities in county-level production areas. Implement the high-quality development project of rural e-commerce, promote the construction of county-level e-commerce live streaming bases, and develop online sales of rural specialties. Strengthen market supervision in the rural circulation sector and continuously rectify counterfeit and inferior products in rural areas.

(14) Strengthen measures to increase farmers' income. Implement the Action to Promote Farmers' Income Increase, continuously strengthen rural industries that enrich the people, and support farmers in developing family business projects such as characteristic planting and breeding, handicraft workshops, and agroforestry. Strengthen the development of industries and promote agricultural cooperation, improve the support policies for new agricultural management entities and agricultural enterprises, and establish a mechanism linking them to increase farmers' income. Promote multi-channel employment of rural labor, improve cross regional information sharing and organized labor export mechanisms, and cultivate and strengthen labor service brands. Carry out a special action to ensure services for migrant workers and strengthen dynamic monitoring of their employment. Strengthen the prevention and risk warning of wage arrears for migrant workers at the source, and improve the long-term mechanism for eradicating wage arrears. Strengthen vocational skills training for migrant workers and promote order based, targeted, and job specific training models. Provide employment support for older migrant workers. Actively promote work for relief in key engineering projects and agricultural and rural infrastructure construction, and continue to expand the scale of labor remuneration. Encourage the revitalization and utilization of rural resource assets through leasing, cooperative development, and equity management, and increase farmers' property income.

4、 Improve the level of rural construction

(15) Enhance the effectiveness of rural planning guidance. Adapt to the trend of rural population changes, optimize village layout, industrial structure, and public service allocation. Strengthen the overall planning of county-level territorial spatial planning for the spatial layout of towns, villages, industrial parks, and other areas. Classification based village planning can be prepared separately or as a unit for townships or several villages. If it is not necessary to prepare, general management regulations can be clearly stated in the county-level land and spatial planning. Strengthen the effectiveness, operability, and enforcement constraints of village planning, and enhance rural spatial design and style control. On the premise that the total amount of arable land does not decrease and the layout of permanent basic farmland is basically stable, we will comprehensively use the policy of linking increase and decrease and balancing occupation and compensation, steadily and orderly carry out comprehensive land consolidation with townships as the basic unit, integrate and revitalize scattered idle land in rural areas, and ensure the use of land for rural infrastructure and industrial development.

(16) Deepen the implementation of the rural living environment improvement action. Adapt measures to local conditions to promote the treatment of domestic sewage and garbage, and improve rural toilet renovation, and enhance farmers' participation and long-term management mechanisms. Establish a sound system for the classification, transportation, and disposal of rural household waste, and improve the network for the recycling and utilization of rural renewable resources. Promote the treatment of domestic sewage in a hierarchical manner, strengthen the dynamic investigation and source control of black and odorous water bodies in rural areas. Steadily promote the renovation of household toilets in the central and western regions, explore the incentive model of farmers voluntarily renovating toilets according to standards, and provide subsidies to households after government acceptance.Jointly promote the resource utilization and treatment of organic household waste, manure, and agricultural production organic waste in rural areas.

(17) Promote rural infrastructure to fill gaps. Starting from the actual situation in various regions and the needs of farmers, we should seize the opportunity to promote universal access and achieve one thing at a time. Improve the rural water supply engineering system, promote the integration of urban and rural water supply and the scale of centralized water supply where conditions permit, strengthen the standardized construction and transformation of small-scale water supply projects where conditions do not currently exist, enhance professional management and protection, and deeply implement the special action to improve the water quality of rural water supply. Promote the consolidation and improvement project of rural power grid. Promote the development of distributed new energy in rural areas and strengthen the planning and construction of new energy vehicle charging and swapping facilities in key villages and towns. Solidly promote the construction of "four good rural roads", improve traffic management and safety protection facilities, and accelerate the implementation of the "hazard elimination" action for rural road and bridge safety. Continue to implement the renovation of dilapidated rural houses and seismic resistant rural houses, and consolidate the results of identifying and rectifying safety hazards in rural houses. Continuously implementing the Digital Rural Development Action, developing smart agriculture, and narrowing the "digital divide" between urban and rural areas. Implement the Smart Radio and Television Rural Project. Encourage provinces with conditions to coordinate the construction of regional big data platforms, strengthen the collaborative sharing of agricultural production and operation, rural social management and other agricultural related information.

(18) Improve the rural public service system. Optimize the supply of public education services, strengthen the construction of boarding schools, and run necessary small-scale rural schools well. Implement the Action Plan for the Development and Improvement of County level Ordinary High Schools. Strengthen the service capacity building of township health centers and village clinics, and steadily increase the proportion of rural doctors with the qualification of practicing (assistant) physicians. Continuously improve the prevention and control of infectious diseases and emergency response capabilities in rural areas. Gradually increase the proportion of county-level medical insurance funds used in rural medical and health institutions, and accelerate the inclusion of village clinics in designated medical insurance management. Establish a sound rural elderly care service system, promote the construction of regional elderly care service centers according to local conditions, and encourage the development of rural elderly meal assistance and mutual aid services. Establish a sound incentive mechanism for the basic pension insurance for urban and rural residents, with the principle of 'more contributions, more rewards' and' long-term contributions, more rewards'. Strengthen rural fertility support and infant care services, and provide care and support services for migrant children, left behind children, women, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Implement the action to enhance the public service capacity of grain producing counties.

(19) Strengthen the construction of rural ecological civilization. Continuously fighting the battle against agricultural and rural pollution control, and promoting integrated rural ecological protection and restoration.Solidly promote the reduction and efficiency improvement of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and promote the circular model of planting and breeding. Promote comprehensive prevention and control of agricultural non-point source pollution throughout the county.Strengthen the investigation and remediation of heavy metal pollution sources in farmland soil. Strengthen the quality and safety control and product testing of edible agricultural products in their production areas, and enhance the ability to supervise food safety throughout the entire process from farmland to dining table. Promote the action of reducing the use of veterinary antibiotics. Strengthen the prevention and control of major animal diseases and key zoonotic diseases. Continuously consolidating the ten-year fishing ban on the Yangtze River. Accelerate the control of soil erosion on sloping farmland in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and solidly promote deep water conservation and control in the Yellow River Basin. Promote water system connectivity, water source conservation, soil and water conservation, revive the ecological environment of rivers and lakes, and strengthen the management of groundwater overexploitation. Strengthen the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification, and explore the "grass light complementary" model. Make every effort to win the battle against the "Three North" project and encourage the participation of farmers in project construction through various means. Optimize the grassland ecological protection reward policy and improve the constraint mechanism for overgrazing and overloading. Strengthen forest and grassland fire prevention and control. Implement rescue and protection actions for ancient and famous trees.

(20) Promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas in counties. Coordinate new urbanization and comprehensive rural revitalization, enhance the comprehensive carrying capacity and governance capacity of county towns, promote the integration and complementarity of county and rural functions, and optimize the allocation of resource elements. Optimize the industrial structure and spatial layout of counties, build a county-level economic system with county towns as hubs and small towns as nodes, and expand the employment capacity of counties. Coordinate the planning, construction, and management of urban and rural infrastructure in counties, promote the construction of urban and rural school communities, and closely knit county-level medical communities. Implement a new round of urbanization action for agricultural transfer population, and encourage eligible counties (cities, districts) to include all urban permanent residents in the scope of housing security policies.

5、 Enhance the level of rural governance

(21) Promote Party building and rural revitalization. Adhere to the clear guidance of focusing on grassroots work, strengthen the responsibility of county-level party committees to promote rural development, and improve the mechanism of three-level linkage between county and rural areas to strive for excellence and rectify backwardness. Comprehensively enhance the ability of township leadership teams to promote rural revitalization, carry out comprehensive training for township party and government officials, and conduct centralized rotation training for rural party members entering party schools. Establish and strengthen grassroots party organizations in rural areas, improve the village level organizational system led by village party organizations, and promote the system of village level deliberation and consultation catalogs. Strengthen the construction of the village cadre team, improve the selection and management mechanism, and implement a three-year action plan to cultivate and reserve reserve reserve forces for village party organization leaders. Optimize the selection and management of the first secretary and work team stationed in the village. Further integrate grassroots supervision and disciplinary forces, promote the improvement of grassroots supervision system, and continuously deepen the special rectification of unhealthy practices and corruption in the field of rural revitalization. Strengthen the management responsibilities of townships for county-level agencies and personnel, increase the allocation of staffing resources to townships, and generally prohibit county and above level agencies from borrowing staff from townships. Promote practices such as "street and township whistleblowing and departmental reporting", strictly implement the admission system for higher-level departments involved in grassroots affairs, improve the list of grassroots responsibilities and affairs, and promote the resolution of grassroots governance issues such as "small horses pulling big carts".

(22) Prosperous development of rural culture. Promote the organic integration of agricultural civilization and modern civilization elements, and write a rural chapter of modern Chinese civilization. Improve and innovate the construction of rural spiritual civilization, promote the extension of new era civilization practice to villages, markets and other peripheral areas, promote the sinking of high-quality cultural resources in cities, and increase effective service supply. Deepen the promotion and education activities of listening to the Party, feeling the Party's favor, and following the Party. Strengthen the protection, inheritance, and innovative development of excellent traditional culture in rural areas. Strengthen the excavation, organization, protection, and utilization of agricultural cultural heritage and rural intangible cultural heritage, and implement rural cultural relic protection projects. Carry out centralized and contiguous protection and utilization demonstration of traditional villages. Persist in letting farmers take the lead and promote the healthy development of mass cultural and sports activities such as "village BA", village supermarkets, and village evenings.

(23) Continuously promote the transformation of rural customs and traditions. Adhere to the combination of dredging and blocking, address both the symptoms and root causes, innovate the means of changing customs and habits, give full play to the role of village autonomy, strengthen the incentive and restraint functions of village rules and regulations, and continue to promote comprehensive governance of prominent issues such as high dowries, large-scale celebrations, and scattered burials. Encourage various regions to utilize rural comprehensive service venues to provide inclusive social services for farmers' weddings, funerals, and other activities, and reduce the burden of human relationships in rural areas. Improve binding norms and advocacy standards such as new marriage arrangements, simplified funeral arrangements, and filial piety and love for the elderly. Promote party members and cadres to take the lead in making promises and fulfilling commitments, and play a demonstrative and driving role. Strengthen positive guidance and incentives, enhance the construction of family education and family culture, and promote effective methods such as the list system and the points system.

(24) Building a safe countryside. Adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era, and improve mechanisms for preventing, investigating, warning, and resolving conflicts and disputes at their source. Establish a sound mechanism for the normalization of rural anti crime and anti evil activities, continuously prevent and rectify "village bullies", and lawfully crack down on rural clan black and evil forces and their "protective umbrellas". Continuously carry out special actions to crack down on illegal gambling crimes in rural areas, and strengthen the publicity and prevention of telecommunications and network fraud. Carry out targeted efforts to address safety hazards in key areas such as rural road transportation, gas, fire protection, and fishing boats. Strengthen rural disaster prevention and mitigation projects, emergency management informatization, and public fire-fighting facilities construction, and enhance disaster prevention, risk avoidance, self rescue, and mutual assistance capabilities. Strengthen the construction of rule of law in rural areas and enhance farmers' legal awareness.

6、 Strengthening the Party's comprehensive leadership over the work related to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers

(25) Establish a sound system and mechanism for the Party to lead rural work. Persist in making the resolution of the "three rural issues" a top priority for the entire party's work, prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas, reform and improve the system and mechanism of "three rural issues" work, fully implement the responsibility system for rural revitalization, consolidate the responsibility of the five level secretaries to promote rural revitalization, clarify the main direction of attack, and solidly organize and promote it. Strengthen the construction of the Party committee's rural work system and enhance the responsibility of coordinating and promoting rural revitalization. Consolidate, expand, learn and implement the achievements of Xi Jinping's theme education on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. Party and government leaders at all levels should implement the "four grassroots" system, conduct in-depth investigations and research, and promote the resolution of issues strongly reflected by farmers. Optimize various types of agricultural inspection and assessment, highlight practical results, integrate and simplify, and reduce the burden of grassroots inspection and examination. Carry out recognition and incentives for rural revitalization in accordance with regulations. Tell the story of rural revitalization in the new era well.

(26) Strengthen rural reform and innovation. On the premise of adhering to the bottom line, encourage local practice, exploration, and institutional innovation, strengthen the integration and efficiency of reform measures, and stimulate the vitality of rural revitalization. Initiate the implementation of the second round of land contracting and extend it for another 30 years as a pilot project throughout the province after its expiration. Establish a sound mechanism for the formation of land transfer prices and explore effective ways to prevent unreasonable increases in transfer costs. Steadily promote the reform of the rural homestead system. Deepen the reform of rural collective property rights system, promote the healthy development of new rural collective economy, and strictly control the risks of rural collective operation. Tax reduction and exemption will be implemented for collective assets registered under the name of rural collective economic organizations by village committees and village groups. Continuously deepen the reform of collective forest tenure system, comprehensive reform of agricultural water prices, agricultural reclamation reform, and comprehensive reform of supply and marketing cooperatives.

(27) Improve the diversified investment mechanism for rural revitalization. Persist in prioritizing agriculture and rural areas in the general public budget, innovate the investment and financing mechanism for rural revitalization, and ensure that investment is in line with the goals and tasks of rural revitalization. Implement the policy of using land transfer income to support agriculture. Standardize and effectively utilize policy tools such as local government special bonds to support the construction of major rural revitalization projects. Strengthen precise monetary policy support for financial institutions that focus on county-level credit business, improve the specialized working mechanism of "agriculture, rural areas, and farmers" financial services for large and medium-sized banks, and enhance the positioning of rural small and medium-sized financial institutions in supporting agriculture and small businesses. Promote the reform and insurance of rural credit cooperatives by province classification. Innovative support for credit service models in key areas such as food security and seed industry revitalization. Develop rural digital inclusive finance and promote the construction of rural credit system. Give full play to the role of the national agricultural credit guarantee system and government investment funds. Strengthen the coordination and linkage of finance and finance, and carry out pilot projects for loan interest subsidies and rewards in agricultural fields such as high standard farmland and facility agriculture construction without adding implicit local government debt. Encourage social capital to invest in agriculture and rural areas, effectively prevent and correct improper behavior in investment and operation. Strengthen the supervision of agricultural fund projects, and strictly investigate and punish illegal and irregular behaviors such as embezzlement and fraud of funds.

(28) Strengthen the talent pool in rural areas. Implement the talent support plan for rural revitalization, increase the cultivation of local talents in rural areas, orderly guide various professional and technical talents from cities to serve in rural areas, and comprehensively improve the comprehensive quality of farmers. Strengthen the cultivation and utilization of agricultural technology talents and rural high skilled talents, improve evaluation and incentive mechanisms and guarantee measures. Strengthen the construction of new agricultural disciplines in higher education and accelerate the cultivation of scarce professionals in agriculture, forestry, and water conservancy. Give full play to the role of ordinary universities, vocational colleges, agricultural radio and television schools, etc., to improve the effectiveness of farmer education and training. Promote the use of medical and health personnel under county management and village employment, and implement the reform of "county management and school employment" for teachers. Promote the model of small technology institutes and encourage experts from research institutes and universities to serve agriculture and rural areas.

Let us unite closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, strengthen our confidence, devote ourselves to work hard and achieve new results in promoting comprehensive rural revitalization, and solidly move towards the goal of building a strong agricultural country.

Source: Xinhua News Agency




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