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Policy | Reply of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on the proposal to formulate and implement as soon as possible a national standard on the use of organic farm manure in fruit and vegeta



Representative CAI Peihui:

Your suggestion to formulate and implement as soon as possible a national standard for the use of organic manure in fruit and vegetable cultivation has been received. The reply of the General Administration of Commerce Market Regulation is as follows:

First, the problem of excessive chemical fertilizers, hormones and pesticides in fruits and vegetables

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs attaches great importance to the quality and safety of agricultural products, and has formulated and issued the Action Plan for Zero Growth of Fertilizer Use by 2020, the Action Plan for Chemical Fertilizer Reduction by 2025, and the Action Plan for Chemical Pesticide Reduction by 2025, continuously promoting the reduction of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and strengthening the quality and safety monitoring of agricultural products. To ensure that people eat safe fruit, cabbage. In 2022, the Ministry organized two rounds of routine monitoring of the quality and safety of national agricultural products, sampling more than 14,000 samples of five categories of products such as vegetables and fruits, and the overall pass rate of routine monitoring of major agricultural products was 97.6%, and the quality and safety of agricultural products across the country remained stable. In terms of vegetables, 6,886 batches of samples of 81 varieties from 1,268 production bases, 879 transport vehicles and 237 markets were sampled, and the pass rate was 97.1%, which was unchanged year-on-year. The qualified rates of aquatic vegetables, melon vegetables, edible fungi, cabbage vegetables and jacket vegetables were 100%, 99.4%, 99%, 98.8% and 97.8%, respectively. In terms of fruit, 582 batches of samples of watermelon, grape and peach from 170 production bases, 88 transport vehicles and 84 markets were sampled, and the pass rate was 98.8%, an increase of 2.3 percentage points year-on-year. The qualified rates of watermelon, grape and peach were 100%, 98.2% and 98.4%, respectively.

In the next step, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will continue to further promote the reduction of fertilizers and pesticides, strengthen routine monitoring of agricultural product quality and safety, continue to carry out agricultural product quality and safety regulation, increase technical training and guidance, improve farmers' awareness and technical level of scientific fertilization and drug use, and guide the public to consume with confidence.

Second, on the scientific use of organic fertilizers and farm fertilizers

In recent years, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has continuously increased its efforts to accelerate the promotion and application of organic fertilizers, strengthen scientific fertilization technical guidance services, and promote the green and high-quality development of planting production. On the one hand, vigorously promote the application of organic fertilizer. Since 2017, the government has successively implemented the action to replace fertilizer with organic fertilizer for fruit, vegetable and tea, and the pilot project of green farming and recycling agriculture, focusing on organic waste resources such as livestock and poultry manure and crop straw, integrating and promoting technical models such as "organic fertilizer +N" and "farm fertilizer +N", promoting the partial substitution of organic fertilizer and farm fertilizer for chemical fertilizer, and promoting quality and efficiency improvement and ecological and environmental protection. On the other hand, strengthen the guidance of scientific application of organic fertilizer. Relying on the guidance group of scientific fertilization experts of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the technical guidance opinions on organic fertilizer replacement for fruit, vegetable and tea are formulated by region and crop, the technical guidance opinions on manure return to the field of different crops and different regions are refined, the technical standards are improved, the fertilization period, fertilization method and fertilization ratio are standardized, and the green and efficient technical model is integrated.

In the next step, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will continue to increase its work, combine the implementation of fertilizer reduction and efficiency, green planting and recycling agriculture pilot projects, strengthen technology integration and experimental demonstration, and accelerate the application of organic fertilizers and farm fertilizers.

Third, on the revision of fruit and vegetable planting organic fertilizer and farm fertilizer national standards

The formulation and implementation of standards are of great significance to standardize all kinds of behaviors and improve the level of social management. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the General Administration of Market Supervision attach great importance to the construction of fertilizer standard systems and the revision of relevant standards for organic fertilizers and farm fertilizers. First, the revision of national standards. Up to now, the State Administration of Market Supervision has issued 29 national standards in the field of organic fertilizers and farm fertilizers, such as "Requirements for limits of toxic and harmful Substances in Fertilizers", "Organic and inorganic compound fertilizers", and "General Guidelines for Quality and Safety Evaluation of microbial fertilizers". Including "determination of 19 veterinary drug residues in organic fertilizer liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry", "Determination of fecal coliform group in fertilizer", "swamp fertilizer efficiency assessment method" and other 6 national standards for farm manure testing, "livestock manure harmless treatment Technical Code", "livestock manure monitoring Technical code" and other 6 livestock manure return to the field utilization related national standards; Seven national standard revision plans have been issued, including the "Limits of harmful Substances for returning livestock and poultry manure to field", "Construction and Management Norms for the Utilization of Rural Toilet Waste Resources", and "Guidelines for the Preparation of Instructions for the Use of Fertilizer Products", to promote the scientific and safe use of organic fertilizers. The second is the revision of industry standards. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has formulated a series of agricultural industry standards around the scientific application of organic fertilizers and farm fertilizers. In terms of organic fertilizers, on the basis of full research and extensive solicitation of opinions, the agricultural industry standards such as "Organic Fertilizers" and "Guidelines for the Rational Use of Fertilizers Organic Fertilizers" have been revised and issued to guide the production, sales, registration and quality supervision and random checks of organic fertilizers, and provide standard support for the safe and standardized application of organic fertilizers. In terms of farm manure, the agricultural industry standards of "Technical Specifications for Livestock Manure Composting" have been formulated and released to further standardize livestock manure composting technology. On this basis, in 2023, the new project revised the "organic fertilizer and its raw materials electrical conductivity determination electrode method", "Straw and livestock manure pile pressure mixing clean production of organic fertilizer technical regulations" and other 7 fertilizer related agricultural industry standards. The third is to strengthen the standardized management of fertilizers. In order to build and improve the standard system in the field of fertilizer, strengthen the revision and implementation of fertilizer standards, in September 2022, a technical committee for fertilizer standardization of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs composed of 31 experts was established, and the secretariat unit is the National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center to promote the high-quality development of fertilizer standardization. In the first half of this year, three inspection meetings of fertilizer agriculture industry standards have been organized, and 13 standards such as the Screening and Evaluation Procedures for Microbial Fertilizer Functional Strains have been discussed and reviewed from the aspects of the science, applicability, safety and sustainability of the standards.

In the next step, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will work with the General Administration of Market Supervision, according to the actual development of the fertilizer industry, continue to strengthen the development of national standards and agricultural industry standards related to organic fertilizers and farm fertilizers, promote the preparation and revision of standards in the field of livestock and poultry manure utilization, and provide standard support for the scientific and safe use of organic fertilizers and farm fertilizers in fruit and vegetable planting.

Thank you for your concern for the work of our ministry and hope to continue to support the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers.

Contact unit and telephone: Department of Planting Management, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas


Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

July 15, 2023

Source: Official website of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs




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