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2024 Central Document No. 1 Release! The 12th central document guiding the work of "agriculture, rural areas" since the 18th National Congress of the Party



The 12th central document guiding the work of "agriculture, rural areas" since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was issued by Xinhua News Agency on the 3rd, proposing a "road map" to effectively promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas.

The document, entitled "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Learning and Applying the experience of the" Thousand Villages Demonstration and Ten thousand Villages Renovation "Project to Effectively Promote Comprehensive Rural Revitalization," consists of six parts, including: Ensure national food security, ensure that there is no large-scale return to poverty, improve the level of rural industrial development, improve the level of rural construction, improve the level of rural governance, and strengthen the Party's overall leadership over the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers".

The document pointed out that to promote Chinese-style modernization, we must make unremitting efforts to consolidate the agricultural foundation and promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. We should learn to apply the development concepts, working methods and promotion mechanisms contained in the "ten million project", take the promotion of comprehensive rural revitalization as the general starting point of the "three rural areas and farmers" work in the new era and new journey, adhere to the people-centered development thought, complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept, and apply policies according to local conditions and types, step by step and work for a long time. We will concentrate our efforts on delivering tangible results that can be felt by a number of people, and continue to make substantial progress and phased results.

The document proposes to ensure national food security and ensure that large-scale return to poverty does not occur as the bottom line, to improve the level of rural industrial development, improve the level of rural construction, and improve the level of rural governance as the focus, strengthen the dual-wheel drive of science and technology and reform, strengthen the measures to increase farmers' income, fight a beautiful battle for the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas, and draw a new picture of livable and viable businesses and beautiful rural areas. To accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas to better promote the Chinese modernization.

Continuous progress was made in promoting all-round rural revitalization.

Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on learning and applying the experience of the "Thousand Villages Demonstration and ten thousand villages Renovation" project to effectively promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas

(January 1, 2024)

To promote Chinese-style modernization, we must make unremitting efforts to consolidate the foundation of agriculture and promote all-round rural revitalization. We should learn to apply the development concepts, working methods and promotion mechanisms contained in the "ten million project", take the promotion of comprehensive rural revitalization as the general starting point of the "three rural areas and farmers" work in the new era and new journey, adhere to the people-centered development thought, complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept, and apply policies according to local conditions and types, step by step and work for a long time. We will concentrate our efforts on delivering tangible results that can be felt by a number of people, and continue to make substantial progress and phased results.

Anchor the goal of building a strong agricultural country, guided by the learning and application of the "ten million project" experience, ensure national food security and ensure that large-scale poverty does not occur as the bottom line, focus on improving the level of rural industrial development, improve the level of rural construction, and improve the level of rural governance, strengthen the dual-wheel drive of science and technology and reform, strengthen the measures to increase farmers' income, and fight a beautiful battle of all-round rural revitalization. Draw a new picture of a livable and a suitable business and a beautiful countryside in order to speed up the modernization of agriculture and rural areas and better promote the Chinese-style modernization.

1. Ensuring national food security

1. We will increase the production of grain and major agricultural products. We will steadily advance a new round of efforts to increase grain production capacity by 50 million metric tons. We will keep the area sown with grain stable, focus on increasing grain output over a large area, and ensure that grain output remains above 50 million metric tons. We will implement the project to increase grain yield per unit area, and comprehensively promote good fields and good seeds. We will consolidate the results of soybean planting expansion and support the development of high-oil and high-yield varieties. We will appropriately raise the minimum purchase price for wheat and set a reasonable minimum purchase price for rice. We will continue to implement the policies of subsidies for protecting arable land capacity and subsidies for corn and soybean producers and rice. We will improve the response mechanism for ensuring supply and stabilizing prices of agricultural supplies, and encourage local governments to explore ways to establish dynamic subsidies that are linked to the rise in prices of agricultural supplies. We will expand the coverage of full cost insurance and plantation income insurance policies, and achieve nationwide coverage of the three main grains and an orderly expansion of soybeans. We will encourage local governments to develop insurance for agricultural products with distinctive characteristics. Promote accurate insurance claims in agricultural insurance, and achieve full compensation. We will improve the catastrophe insurance system. We will increase support for major grain-producing counties. We will explore ways to establish cross-provincial compensation mechanisms for grain production and marketing areas, and deepen multi-channel cooperation in production and marketing. We will expand the area of rape and support the development of oilseeds such as camellia oleifera. We will increase subsidies for sugarcane seedlings and machinery collection. Strengthen the construction of emergency supply bases for "vegetable basket" products, optimize the mechanism for regulating pig production capacity, and stabilize the basic production capacity of beef and mutton. Improve liquid milk standards, standardize the recovery of milk labels, and promote fresh milk consumption. Support far-reaching Marine aquaculture and develop forest food. Establish a big agriculture view, a big food view, expand food sources through multiple channels, and explore the construction of a big food monitoring and statistical system.

2. Strictly implementing the farmland protection system. We will improve the system for protecting the quantity, quality, and ecology of cultivated land in the trinity, and implement the new round of protection tasks for cultivated land and permanent basic farmland, as defined in the national land and space plan. We will reform and improve the balanced system of arable land occupation and subsidy, adhere to the principle of "to compensate for the occupation", and take the net increase of stable use of cultivated land within the province as the upper limit of the permitted occupation of cultivated land for non-agricultural construction in the next year. We will improve the quality acceptance system for supplementary cultivated land, and improve the follow-up management and reevaluation mechanism. We will strengthen the management of degraded cultivated land, step up efforts to promote black land protection projects, and implement actions to improve organic matter in cultivated land. Crimes of illegally occupying agricultural land and illegally taking land from cultivated land will be severely punished. Continuous improvement of "greenhouses". Rectification and resumption of illegally occupied farmland will be carried out in a classified and prudent manner, the scope of rectification for "non-grain conversion" of farmland will be detailed and clear, and the timing of restoration will be reasonably arranged. Promote the use of abandoned land in accordance with local conditions, and support rural collective economic organizations that do not have any farming in multiple ways.

3. Strengthening agricultural infrastructure. We will put quality first, give priority to building high-standard farmland in the black soil areas, plain areas, and areas with water conservancy and irrigation conditions in Northeast China, appropriately increase the level of central and provincial investment subsidies, lift local funding requirements for major grain-producing counties, and strengthen supervision over the whole process of building high-standard farmland to ensure that it is built in one piece. We will encourage rural collective economic organizations, new types of agricultural operators, and farmers to directly participate in the management and protection of high-standard farmland construction. We will improve saline-alkali cultivated land by zoning and classification, and support the pilot project of comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land by combining "suitable land for species" with "suitable land for species". We will build and modernize key water sources, irrigation areas, and flood storage and detention areas, and carry out projects to reinforce reservoirs, improve small and medium-sized rivers, and build small and medium-sized reservoirs. We will strengthen the construction and management of small irrigation and water conservancy facilities. We will accelerate post-disaster recovery and reconstruction in disaster-hit areas. We will strengthen short-term warning of meteorological disasters and research and judgment on medium - and long-term trends, and improve long-term mechanisms for agricultural disaster prevention, mitigation and relief. We will promote the modernization of facility agriculture.

4. Strengthening scientific and technological support for agriculture We will improve the strategic layout of agricultural science and technology innovation and support the development of major innovation platforms. We will accelerate the revitalization of the seed industry, improve the joint research and development and application cooperation mechanism, intensify research on key core technologies of seed sources, and accelerate the selection, promotion and production of urgently needed independent excellent varieties. We will carry out trials to integrate research, development, promotion and application of major varieties. Promote the industrialization of biological breeding expansion speed. Vigorously implement the action to make up for the shortcomings of agricultural machinery and equipment, improve the subsidy policy for the purchase and application of agricultural machinery, and open up the urgently needed "green channel" for the identification of agricultural machinery. We will strengthen the system for disseminating agricultural technology at the community level and strengthen the function of public welfare services.

5. Building a modern agricultural management system. Focus on solving the problem of "who will farm the land", with small farmers as the basis, new agricultural management entities as the focus, and social services as the support, and accelerate the creation of high-quality production and management teams that adapt to the development of modern agriculture. We will improve the production and operation of family farms and farmers' cooperatives, and enhance the ability of providing services to small farmers. We will strengthen the development of social agricultural service platforms and standard systems, focus on key weak links in agricultural production and small farmers, and expand service areas and models. We will support rural collective economic organizations in providing intermediary services such as production and labor.

6. Improving regulation of grain and major agricultural products We will improve the monitoring and early warning mechanism for the whole industrial chain of agricultural products, and strengthen the coordinated regulation, reserve regulation, and emergency guarantee of multiple varieties. We will optimize the layout of grain storage facilities and improve the safety of grain storage. We will deepen Belt and Road agricultural cooperation. We will intensify efforts to crack down on smuggling of agricultural products. We will strengthen monitoring and analysis of consumption of grain and major agricultural products.

(7) Continue to deepen food conservation actions. We will carry forward the glorious practice of saving food, promote grain saving and reducing losses in the whole chain, and improve the regular and long-term working mechanism. Tap the potential of grain machinery to reduce losses, and promote new types of equipment for bulk grain transportation and grain storage. We will improve standards for appropriate grain processing. Vigorously promote healthy eating, improve the regulatory system that combines departmental supervision, industry self-discipline and social supervision, and resolutely stop food and beverage waste.

Second, ensure that there is no large-scale return to poverty

8. Implement monitoring and assistance mechanisms to prevent the return to poverty. We will consolidate the responsibility of preventing the return to poverty, and continue to consolidate and improve the achievements of the "three guarantees" and drinking water safety. For farmers who are at risk of returning to poverty due to disasters, those who meet the policy provisions can implement assistance measures first. We will strengthen monitoring and early warning of rural patients burdened by high medical expenses, and implement medical security and assistance policies in a timely manner according to regulations. We will accelerate the connectivity of the information platform for monitoring poverty reduction and low-income population dynamics, and strengthen the integration and sharing of information across departments. We will study and integrate policies to help prevent people from returning to poverty with policies to help rural low-income people on a regular basis.

9. We will continue to strengthen industrial and employment assistance. We will strengthen guidance on the classification of industries, consolidate a batch, upgrade a batch, revitalize a batch, and adjust a batch, and promote the quality and efficiency of industries and sustainable development. The proportion of central government subsidies for rural revitalization used for industrial development remained generally stable, and the performance management of fund projects was strengthened. Strengthen the asset management of assistance projects, and incorporate qualified rural collective assets into the unified management. We will improve the effectiveness of our actions to help consumers and farmers increase income. We will advance the campaign to prevent returning to poverty and employment, fulfill the responsibility of labor cooperation and assistance in the eastern and western regions, make good use of employment assistance workshops and public welfare posts, and stabilize the employment scale of the poverty-stricken workforce.

10. Increasing support for key areas. We will optimize and adjust the pilot policy of coordinating and integrating agriculture-related funds in poverty-stricken counties to 160 key counties for rural revitalization, and strengthen supervision over the use of integrated funds. State-owned financial institutions increased financial support for key counties in the national rural revitalization. We will continue to carry out "group-based" support for medical and education officials and talents and select scientific and technological missions. The "three support and one support" program for college graduates has been given priority to poverty-stricken areas. We will support the sustainable development of poverty alleviation and resettlement areas in inhospitable areas. Families that have housing difficulties due to population growth after relocation to cities and towns shall be integrated into the scope of urban housing security. We will promote the establishment of a regular assistance mechanism for underdeveloped areas.

Third, improve the development of rural industries

11. Promoting integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas. We will promote agriculture through industry, quality, and green development. We will accelerate the development of a modern rural industrial system that integrates grain, economy, and feeding, combines agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery, integrates production, marketing, and tourism, and turn agriculture into a major modern industry. We will encourage local governments to develop industries with local characteristics in light of local conditions and support the building of brands with local characteristics. We will implement the project to deeply integrate rural culture and tourism, promote the construction of rural tourism clusters (villages), foster new forms of business such as ecotourism, forest health care, and leisure camping, and promote the standardized development and quality improvement of rural homestays. We will optimize the implementation of projects for the integrated development of rural industries, and foster industrial associations of agriculture.

12. Promoting the optimization and upgrading of agricultural product processing industries. We will promote coordinated development of agricultural production, primary processing and intensive processing, and promote local transformation and value-added. We will promote the upgrading of agricultural product processing facilities, support the construction of regional primary processing facilities such as pre-cooling, drying, storage and preservation, and fresh cutting and packaging, and develop intelligent, clean and in-depth processing. We will support the development of the whole industrial chain processing of soybeans and other agricultural products in Northeast China, and build food and feed industry clusters. We will support the development of processing industrial parks in major producing areas for grain and important agricultural products.

(13) Promoting high-quality development of rural circulation. We will further promote the construction of county-level commercial systems, improve the county-rural logistics distribution system, promote the integrated development of passenger, freight and postal services in rural areas, and vigorously develop joint distribution. We will promote the transformation and upgrading of wholesale markets for agricultural products. Optimize the construction of the cold chain logistics system for agricultural products, accelerate the construction of backbone cold chain logistics bases, and layout and construction of public cold chain logistics facilities in county production areas. Implement high-quality development projects for rural e-commerce, promote the construction of county-level e-commerce live broadcast bases, and develop online sales of rural local specialties. We will strengthen market supervision in rural circulation and continue to crack down on counterfeit and shoddy products in rural areas.

14. We will strengthen measures to increase rural incomes. We will carry out a campaign to increase farmers' incomes, continue to expand rural industries to enrich the people, and support rural households in developing family-run projects such as specialty farming, handicraft workshops, and undergrowth. We will strengthen industrial development by connecting farmers with farmers, and improve the mechanism by which supporting policies for new types of agricultural operators and agriculture-related enterprises are linked to driving rural households to increase their incomes. We will promote multi-channel employment for rural labor, improve cross-regional information sharing and organized labor export mechanisms, and foster and strengthen labor service brands. We will launch a special campaign to provide services to rural migrant workers and strengthen monitoring of their employment. We will strengthen source prevention and risk early warning of wage arrears for migrant workers, and improve the long-term mechanism for eradicating wage arrears. We will strengthen vocational skills training for rural migrant workers, and promote training models for orders, orientation, and job placement. We will provide employment support for older migrant workers. We will actively promote the use of cash-for-work in key projects and agricultural and rural infrastructure construction, and continue to expand the scale of remuneration for labor services. We will encourage the use of rural resources and assets through leasing, cooperative development, and investment management to increase farmers' property income.

Fourth, improve the level of rural development

15. Improving the effectiveness of rural planning. Adapt to the changing trend of rural population, optimize village layout, industrial structure, and public service allocation. We will strengthen the overall planning of the spatial layout of towns, villages, and industrial parks in county land spatial planning. The classification of village planning can be prepared individually, or towns or several villages can be prepared as units, and the general rules of management can be clearly defined in the county and township level territorial spatial planning. Strengthen the effectiveness, operability and implementation of village planning, and strengthen the rural space design and style control. On the premise that the total amount of arable land will not decrease and the distribution of permanent basic farmland will be basically stable, we will comprehensively apply the policy of linking increase and decrease and balancing appropriation and subsidies, carry out comprehensive improvement of land in the whole area with towns and townships as the basic unit, integrate and revitalize scattered idle land in rural areas, and ensure land for rural infrastructure and industrial development.

16. We will deepen efforts to improve rural living environments. We will promote the treatment of domestic sewage and garbage and the upgrading of toilets in rural areas in accordance with local conditions, and improve farmers' participation and long-term management and protection mechanisms. We will improve the classification, collection, transportation and disposal system of rural household garbage, and improve the recycling and utilization network of rural renewable resources. Promote the treatment of domestic sewage in different steps, and strengthen the dynamic investigation and source control of black and odorous water bodies in rural areas. We will steadily promote the renovation of household toilets in the central and western regions, and explore a subsidy model in which farmers voluntarily upgrade toilets according to standards and provide subsidies to households after government inspection and acceptance. Coordinated promotion of rural organic domestic waste, fecal pollution, agricultural production




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