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NCS intelligent molecular membrane fermentation system is widely used, turning "waste" into "fertilizer" for recycling agriculture


Agricultural production and urban solid waste, livestock and poultry manure and other organic waste treatment has been concerned, improper disposal of organic waste, will produce odor and environmental pollution and other problems. How to better deal with and use waste has become an important principle for the sustainable development of society and enterprises. There are many kinds of organic waste, in order to better realize the utilization of organic waste resources, China Sea environment has been constantly exploring in this field.

China Sea Environment NCS intelligent molecular membrane fermentation system can ferment all kinds of organic waste into organic fertilizer, which is widely used in organic fertilizer raw materials, we are divided into the following:

01 Animal-derived organic fertilizer raw materials Livestock manure: chicken manure, sheep manure, pig manure, cow manure, etc., are better organic fertilizer raw materials, but also large, medium and small farms to solve livestock manure is a better way. Fecal matter content is high, but it is not easy to decompose because of the low fiber content. When used, it should be fully decomposed and fermented, and high temperature can kill eggs, bacteria and weed seeds. 02 Plant-derived organic fertilizer raw material straw: common corn straw, wheat straw, bean straw, rice straw. Contains high cellulose and lignin and other macromolecular substances, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients content is low (except legumes), the use of such materials alone as organic fertilizer is rare, generally used to increase the organic matter of fermentation materials, adjust the carbon nitrogen ratio. Fungus bran: commonly known as mushroom residue, mushroom bag, there are enokitake residue, oyster mushroom residue, pleurotus erinei residue, etc., the raw materials are mostly cow dung, soil, wine lees, vinegar lees, cassava residue, sugar residue and with some nutritional elements, the fungus bran is high in organic matter, rich in bacterial protein, vitamins, trace elements and growth hormone, and the effect of organic fertilizer is better. Chinese medicine residue: Chinese medicine residue is composed of plants, the overall content of protein and other nutrients is high, the fertility effect is good after use, and it can resist other harmful bacteria. 03 Other organic fertilizer raw materials kitchen waste: waste generated in residents' daily life and food processing, catering services, meals provided by units and other activities, including discarding unused vegetable leaves, leftovers, leftovers, fruit peels, eggshells, tea residue, etc. The main sources are family kitchens, restaurants, restaurants, cantons, markets and other industries related to food processing. Garden waste: In the process of landscaping and cleaning, there will be a lot of tree and shrub clippings, lawn clippings, weeds, fallen leaves, branches, waste grass and flowers in the garden and flower beds.

NCS intelligent molecular membrane fermentation system


Zhonghai NCS intelligent molecular membrane fermentation system has developed 8 generations of 6 membrane materials, which can be selected according to different regions, different fermentation environments and various types of organic waste corresponding to suitable membrane materials, and has a professional technical team, which provides technical support for different fermentation materials and auxiliary materials to carry out appropriate ratios, making the fermentation effect more ideal.

The organic waste treated by the NCS intelligent molecular membrane fermentation system of China Sea Environment can be fully decomposed with good fermentation effect and high nitrogen content. The fermented organic fertilizer can be returned to the field to increase crop yield and improve the quality of agricultural products. The beneficial microorganisms in the organic fertilizer can also inhibit the propagation of harmful soil bacteria, so that we can use less pesticides. If applied for many years, it can effectively inhibit soil pests, save labor, save money and no pollution. All kinds of organic waste fermentation

The fermentation of all kinds of organic waste into organic fertilizer can not only solve the problem of environmental pollution and realize the utilization of resources, but also carry out deep processing of organic fertilizer for packaging and sale in the market to obtain a certain income. NCS intelligent molecular membrane fermentation system has become an important tool for the treatment of agricultural waste and livestock and poultry waste, and has a wide range of practical significance for the treatment of various organic wastes. Therefore, we hope to let more people know about it and use it to achieve the development goals of sustainable agriculture.




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